International Peace Day
Rotary Club of Port Lincoln -Peace Pole Unveiling at Puckridge Park
The Peace Pole program had its beginnings in 1955. You can now find
Peace Poles in close to 200 countries with more than 200,000 placed
around the world.
Peace Poles are set into the earth, with the Universal Peace Message ’May
Peace Prevail on Earth’ written on each side in four languages. They
symbolize our common wish for a world at peace. They stand as a silent
vigil, reminding us to think and act in the spirit of peace.
The Rotary Club of Port Lincoln is pleased to be part of this World Peace initiative. Thursday 21st September 2023 at 11am, an Unveiling Ceremony will take place at Puckridge Park where the Rotary Club of Port Lincoln is installing one of these Piece Poles.
The Puckridge Park Piece Pole is in scripted with 4 languages based on the cultural heritage of our region. The ceremony will encompass the reading of these 4 languages by local students in their native language.
Following the ceremony, The Rotary Club of Port Lincoln will be providing a BBQ on site providing opportunity for the community to connect with each other.